6 TRUE ADANSONIA digitata "Baobab" Bottle Tree Seeds -Now back in stock- Great for BONSAI or Indoor Container House Plants
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Known for it s huge trunk to 30' width or more with great age. This fascinating African tree is native to the hot dry savannahs where it reputedly can live to over 1,000 years of age. A first sighting may help you to see why it is sometimes called the upside down tree. The Baobab tree produces very large white flowers that emit a carrion scent and is pollinated by a species of fruit bat. The leaves are eaten as a relish; the 10" fruits are filled with a pulp that dries, hardens and falls into pieces which resemble powdery dry bread. It has as much calcium as milk, is high in anti-oxidents, iron and potassium and has 6 times the vitamin C of an orange. The fruit may also be dissolved in milk or water and used as a drink.This little known fruit has the potential to improve nutrition and eventually foster rural development The European Union has approved the use and consumption of the fruit as an ingredient in smoothies and cereal bars and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted safe status as a dried fruit and as a food ingredient. Two more interesting names given to the Baobab tree are "Monkey Bread tree" and "Dead Rat tree". Using well draining soil mixture plant at a 1" depth. For faster germination nick the seeds. Keep warm, damp and in bright light.
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Tags : 6, TRUE, ADANSONIA, digitata, Baobab
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